“My Testimony of the Book of Mormon,” Friend, Oct. 2011, 7
Special Witness
My Testimony of the Book of Mormon
From “Safety for the Soul,” Ensign, Nov. 2009, 90.

I did not sail with the brother of Jared in crossing an ocean, settling in a new world.
I did not hear King Benjamin speak his angelically delivered sermon.
I did not proselyte with Alma and Amulek nor witness the fiery death of innocent believers.
I was not among the Nephite crowd who touched the wounds of the resurrected Lord,
nor did I weep with Mormon and Moroni over the destruction of an entire civilization.
But my testimony of the Book of Mormon and the peace it brings to the human heart is as binding as was theirs. I declare to the world that the Book of Mormon is true, that it came forth the way Joseph said it came forth and was given to bring happiness and hope to the faithful in the latter days.
Book of Mormon Stories illustrations by Robert Barrett © 1986 IRI, and Jerry Thompson © IRI; King Benjamin Preaches to the Nephites by Gary L. Kapp; Jesus Christ Visits the Americas by John Scott © IRI; Mormon Bids Farewell to a Once Great Nation by Arnold Friberg © 1959 IRI