A Fearless Missionary
November 2011

“A Fearless Missionary,” Friend, Nov. 2011, 29

A Fearless Missionary

Inviting friends to church can sometimes be scary. But not to Russell! This nine-year-old from New Zealand loves sharing the gospel with his friends and showing them how great the Church is.

Russell W. has a mild form of autism, which can make it hard for him to communicate. But that doesn’t stop him from making friends. When a new family moved into his neighborhood, Russell quickly befriended their son, a boy his age named Connor. Connor has a condition that makes it hard for him to sit still and focus on one thing.

Russell’s family welcomed Connor into their home, and Connor liked being there. Russell often invited Connor to go to church with him. As he went to church, Connor found that he was able to focus more and it was easier for him to sit still and be reverent. Connor’s parents saw the positive effect that the Church had on their son. They invited the missionaries to their home to learn more about the gospel. One day, Connor’s family decided they were ready to be baptized!

Russell’s and Connor’s birthdays are close together, and they were baptized on the same day. Russell was excited that he could share that special day with his friend.

Russell continues to be a missionary. He has invited several friends to church since he and Connor were baptized. One of these friends is considering being baptized too! As Russell’s dad says, “The Church is part of Russell’s life. He enjoys it, so why not invite a friend to make it even more fun?”

Connor and Russell

Russell and his family

Photographs courtesy of the family
