Trenton’s Coins
November 2011

“Trenton’s Coins,” Friend, Nov. 2011, 32–33

Trenton’s Coins

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink (Matthew 25:35).

  1. Trenton and his family were watching TV together. Trenton saw a boy on a commercial who did not look happy.

    That boy looks very sad. Why is he so sad?

    He’s sad because he doesn’t have food and clean water or other things he needs.

    We should help him.

    That’s a good idea. What do you think we should do?

  2. We should make sure he has some food and clean water so he can be happy.

    Good thinking. We could give some money to the bishop so he can use it to help somebody in need. What do you think?

  3. Trenton was excited to help. He raced to his room and looked in his piggy bank. He poured out the coins and ran back to Dad.

  4. Dad, I want to give this to the bishop so we can help somebody.

    I want to help too.

    Boys, that is a very kind thing to do. I think we all can share some of our money with those in need.

  5. On Sunday, Trenton, Eric, and their parents each gave the bishop a donation envelope with some money in it. The bishop shook their hands. Trenton was happy to know that he was serving Jesus Christ and that he was helping someone in need.

Illustrations by Scott Peck
