Question Corner
November 2011

“Question Corner,” Friend, Nov. 2011, 24–25

Question Corner


My twin brother and I are going into Young Men and Young Women soon. What advice do you have for getting ready to move on from Primary?

When I went into Young Women I was a little nervous, but then I got a visit from the Beehive presidency and the Beehive leaders and it calmed my nerves. They told me what we would be doing in Young Women and explained the Personal Progress program. They also told me what room we met in at church. I enjoyed getting to know some of the girls who would be in Young Women with me. Now I am the Beehive president in my ward. When a girl turns 12, my presidency, my Beehive leaders, and I go to her house and talk to her about Young Women and Personal Progress. So, if you are nervous, don’t be. Young Women is really fun and we learn a lot about the gospel. I hope you have fun in Young Women.

Victoria O., age 13, Utah

I was worried about going into Young Women. I was scared for a long time. I thought I wouldn’t have any friends. About a month before my birthday, I started praying about it. I even fasted. I asked Heavenly Father to help me get to know people better and to find good things about Young Women. My last Sunday in Primary, a couple of my Primary leaders were called to be Young Women leaders! I would like to say to all the boys and girls turning 12 to not judge by appearances! Get to know people. I have found that the youth are nice. You might not find a friend right away, but you probably will soon. Pray. I know it works.

Alexandra W., age 12, Maryland

When you go into Young Men or Young Women, don’t be scared, be excited! You will have lots of fun. When you go there, don’t be shy. Let people know that you’re there. It might seem scary at first, but you will make friends. Just be yourself!

Roxie C., age 12, Utah

Complete your Faith in God Award. If you don’t treat it like a list of requirements to be marked off, it will greatly bless your life. You will also be more receptive to the Holy Ghost. For you 11-year-old boys—you should make a goal now to earn your Eagle in Scouting. The Boy Scouts is a wonderful program. There are more than 100 merit badges for almost every subject, so you will certainly improve your talents, whatever your talents are! I also recommend continuing to read the Friend. It has good stories and values within it.

Dallin F., age 12, California

I recently turned 12 and became a deacon and an Aaronic Priesthood holder. I noticed that having a friend who has already gone through the change from Primary to Young Men or Young Women helps with the shift from Primary. Also, when the group is kind to you, it makes a world of difference.

Austin H., age 12, Montana

My birthday is coming up, and I have finished my Faith in God requirements. I have had my interview with the bishop, and I’m very excited to go to Young Women. I am even more excited to go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. The Faith in God program has helped me to prepare for future years to come.

Morgan C., age 11, Utah

My transition to Young Women was made easier because my mom was in the presidency and my sister was a Mia Maid. I also had a friend that transitioned with me from Primary, and we had friends in the Beehive class. Enjoy the fun, but don’t ruin it for everyone by being grouchy or mean. Young Women has blessed my life in many ways, and the leaders are called of God.

Summer R., age 13, Washington

If you are feeling afraid, find a friend—someone you know who turned 12 before you. You can go to your meeting with them and sit by them. Remember, the young women and young men don’t bite. In fact, they are most assuredly excited to have you with them. You have no need to be afraid or shy.

Rachel T., age 12, Utah
