Our Creative Friends
December 2011

“Our Creative Friends,” Friend, Dec. 2011, 26–27

Our Creative Friends

On that Glorious Night

There was wonder on that glorious night.

Today there was to be a wondrous sight.

The mother, how gentle, and the father so kind;

This is how I keep Christmas in my mind.

The stars were aglow in the heavens above,

Like the white on the wing of a heavenly dove.

The star that led the Wise Men there

Stood proudly in the nighttime air.

The Baby Jesus, laid onto the straw

By His loving parents: His ma and His pa.

The animals gathered to see His sweet face.

The smile He made sure brightened the place.

The shepherds arrived soon after His birth—

The Son of God, the King of the Earth.

Brielle F., age 11, Utah


Like feathers floating in the frosty air,

And I can’t wait to meet them there.

Like crystals falling down,

They can’t make me frown.

Like little webs all around,

But no spider can be found.

Of powdered piles they do make,

Like icing on a birthday cake.

Like little stars with far to go—

That’s what I think of snow.

Emily S., age 11, Alberta, Canada

Bethany S., age 7, England

Emily M., age 9, Wyoming

Joseph R., age 7, California

Joshua R., age 9, New Mexico

Austin A., age 10, Texas

Maddy J., age 10, Utah

Kili F., age 11, California

Alana P., age 11, Western Australia, Australia

Gelisse S., age 6, Indiana

Paul E., age 8, Florida

Jordan B., age 5, New Zealand

Oliver D., age 11, Idaho

Through Your Eyes

Do you like taking photos? Coming soon on our back cover we will be featuring photos taken by you! We’d like to see your best shots about how the gospel blesses your life. E-mail them to friend@ldschurch.org and include your name, age, and where you’re from. Please also include a sentence explaining how your picture shows the gospel in your life.

Remember, we can’t publish your submission without a parent’s permission in the e-mail. If there are people in the photo, we also need to know that they gave their permission to be photographed. We’re looking forward to seeing the gospel in action through your eyes!

—The Friend
