How to Have a Book of Mormon Puppet Show
February 2012

“How to Have a Book of Mormon Puppet Show,” Friend, Feb. 2012, 24–25

How to Have a Book of Mormon Puppet Show

This year 10 issues of the Friend will have Book of Mormon scripture figures on the inside back cover.

Cut out the figures from the inside back cover of the Friend. Also cut out the box that tells you where to find the scripture story that goes with the figures.

To make your scripture figures sturdy and easy to use, you can glue or tape them to:

  • construction paper

  • small paper sacks

  • craft sticks

  • empty paper towel rolls

Write a script based on the scriptures, or read the story right from the scriptures.

Draw background scenery on a large piece of paper or on the inside of a box.

Use your figures to act out the story.

Find a shoe box or another container to keep your scripture figures in. You could keep each set in a plastic bag.

Use your scripture figures for:

  • family home evening

  • talks in Sharing Time

  • Primary classes

  • just for fun!

Illustrations by Beth Whittaker
