Bulletin Board
May 2012

“Bulletin Board,” Friend, May 2012, 12–13

Bulletin Board

Journal Junction

Each month this year you can write a little bit of your own history in your journal. This month write about your mother or grandmother. What is her name? What does she look like? Draw a picture of her, or write down your favorite memory of her.

Good Word

This month’s good word is Atonement. It means the gift Jesus Christ gave us when He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane and died on the cross. The gift blesses us with important things:

  • When we are resurrected, our body and spirit will come back together.

  • We can be forgiven when we repent.

  • If we obey Heavenly Father, we will live with Him forever.

  • If we give our best effort to serve God, He will strengthen us.

Look for this month’s good word on page 14.

Missionary Moments

Even though you won’t serve a full-time mission until you are older, you can do things now to be a missionary. Here are some things children like you have done to share the gospel.

One day at lunch I sat next to my classmate who is not a member of the Church. He saw me saying a prayer before eating. After that, we started to talk about the gospel and the plan of salvation. He asked me some questions too. I was glad that I shared something about the Church with my classmate. I hope he can be baptized someday.

Blanca S., age 11, Hong Kong

A new family moved to our block. The father had passed away, so it had been hard for them. We always try to be kind to them. My mom invited the mom to church, and her sons invite us to their birthday parties. I am happy because they went to church with us and learned that they will see their dad and husband again and they can be an eternal family.

Braden U., age 9, California

Illustrations of bugs, mom, and children by Brad Teare
