“I Choose the Right When I Am Baptized and Confirmed a Member of the Church,” Friend, May 2012, 40–41
Bringing Primary Home
I Choose the Right When I Am Baptized and Confirmed a Member of the Church
You can use this lesson and activity to learn more about this month’s Primary theme.
Abigail sat quietly during sacrament meeting. Today she felt sad. She was thinking about how she hadn’t been nice to a girl at school. Abigail felt even worse because she had been baptized a few weeks earlier. She remembered how good she felt on her baptism day.
“I wish I could get baptized again,” Abigail thought. “Then I could feel good again.”
She thought about one of her favorite Primary songs: “I know when I am baptized my wrongs are washed away, and I can be forgiven and improve myself each day.”*
Abigail remembered that by fixing her wrong actions and taking the sacrament, she could be clean again—as clean as she was after her baptism! Abigail planned to apologize to her classmate. She smiled and prepared to take the sacrament.
Illustrations by Brad Clark