Question Corner
June 2012

“Question Corner,” Friend, June 2012, 43

Question Corner

I don’t know anyone I can invite to church. What are other ways I can be a missionary now?

Being a missionary can be as simple as giving your friend a hug or sitting next to a new friend in Primary. Sometimes they just need a friend to make them feel good inside. When you are a missionary, you make others want to be missionaries too.

Lauren A., age 12, Utah

Help the elderly or people in need. You can help with a garden or with cooking. You don’t necessarily need to invite someone to church. Just bringing up the gospel in a conversation and telling a little about your standards and the history of the Church is being a missionary.

Ashley H., age 12, Illinois

Invite someone in your neighborhood to have family home evening with you and your family.

Victoria S., age 10, California

You can be a missionary now by inviting school friends to activity day or Cub Scouts, by helping other people do what’s right, and by being kind.

Laurel S., age 9, Alberta, Canada

During the summer, we fill baskets with things we like to do indoors when it’s too hot to go outside: crayons, stationery for letter writing, a Church DVD, and the Friend magazine. Then we deliver the baskets to our nonmember friends. Being a missionary can be so much fun!

Autumn M., age 7, Arizona

Our uncle Logan is on a mission. He said that miracles happen when you open your mouth and talk about the gospel as best you can. We gave away 10 copies of the Book of Mormon in one week by opening our mouths to people we met as we ran errands with our mom. Several people thanked us for the book and told us they were going to read it! Now we keep copies of the Book of Mormon in our van so we can keep being missionaries.

Eliza and Lucy B., ages 7 and 6, Virginia

I can help people when they are sick. I can pray for others to feel the Holy Ghost. If someone is being bullied, I can have the courage to stand up for the person and ask the bully to stop. I can set a good example for others to follow.

Landyn M., age 9, Utah

One way is to just be a good friend. At school, you can smile at a new kid or help someone who is hurt. These are some ways I like to be a missionary!

Ashley J., age 11, Alaska

Just simply set a good example for those around you.

Kearan N., age 11, Tennessee
