But I’m Too Shy
August 2012

“But I’m Too Shy,” Friend, Aug. 2012, 44–45

But I’m Too Shy

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13).

Will Mindy overcome her fear of meeting people?

“Mom, I’m bored,” Mindy said.

Mom had just picked Mindy up from her piano lesson, and now they were at the stake center waiting for Mindy’s sisters to finish rehearsing for the stake musical.

Her older sister, Jessica, and younger sister, Krista, had both gotten parts in the play. But Mindy didn’t get a part. She envied her sisters a little, but she was also kind of glad she wouldn’t have to perform in front of the whole stake. That sounded scary.

“Well, why don’t you go find some other kids who aren’t practicing right now?” Mom said.

“OK,” Mindy said.

Mindy left the cultural hall and followed the sound of voices to a nearby classroom. Peeking in the door, she saw several kids she didn’t know.

“They must be from other wards in the stake,” Mindy thought.

She wanted to meet them, but she was too afraid to say hello. Instead, she walked back to the cultural hall and sat down by Mom.

“Didn’t you find the other kids?” Mom asked.

“I found them, but I don’t know any of them,” Mindy said.

“It’s not that hard to meet people,” Mom said. “When I was your age, I was really shy too, but then I decided I didn’t want to be shy anymore. I made a goal to meet one new person every day.”

“I don’t know, Mom. I don’t really think I can not be shy,” Mindy said.

“If you just try, it will get easier,” Mom said. “You can start small with just one person. Look, a girl is sitting over there by herself. Why don’t you go say hello?”

Mindy tried to think of an excuse, but she knew she should take her mom’s suggestion. She said a quick prayer asking Heavenly Father to help her, took a few deep breaths, and walked over to the girl. “Meeting one person does seem a lot easier than approaching a whole group,” she thought.

“Hi,” Mindy said.

“Hi,” the girl replied. “My name is Shalee. What’s yours?”

“My name is Mindy.” There was a bit of silence, and then Mindy thought of a question to ask. “Are you in the play?”

“No,” Shalee said. “But that’s my dad up there practicing,” she said, pointing to the stage.

“My sisters are in the play too,” Mindy said.

Their conversation went on as they learned about each other. Pretty soon practice was over, and it was time to go home.

“Who is your new friend?” Mom asked on the way home.

“Her name is Shalee, and she’s 11 like me,” Mindy said. “She was really nice.”

“And it wasn’t scary?” Mom asked.

“Well, I was scared to talk to her at first, but I’m glad I did,” Mindy said. “Maybe meeting new people isn’t so hard after all.”

Illustrations by Taia Morley
