“Dear Amiga,” Friend, Oct. 2012, 44
Dear Amiga
Hello from Mexico! I was excited to get your letter and hear about your birthday coming up. It sounds like you’re a little nervous about leaving Primary. Can I tell you about when I went into Young Women?
I was nervous about leaving Primary too. I was worried that I might not make any friends. I was scared of being one of the youngest girls instead of one of the oldest.
But it all worked out just fine. The bishop interviewed me before my birthday and told me the change would be a good thing. On Sunday, I still felt shy and stayed in the Primary room. Luckily, one of the Young Women leaders found me there. She said, “I thought I would find you here! Come on, it’s time to go to class.”
Sister Diaz welcomed me in opening exercises, and she gave me three books that I’ve come to love: For the Strength of Youth, Young Women Personal Progress, and a journal. As I looked around the room, I realized that I knew some of the girls there from Primary. Some of the girls I didn’t know said hi to me. Soon I felt peace instead of fear.
Things just kept getting better after that. Mutual activities have been special to me because they’ve taught me how to live the gospel and how to help my family and friends. And going to camp each year is so much fun! Now that I’m a Laurel, I hope to finish Personal Progress soon. I can’t wait to wear the Young Women medallion so it can remind me of how much I have grown nearer to my Heavenly Father over the years.
So don’t be fearful, my friend. Spread your wings and fly to Young Women. I promise you won’t be sorry.
Illustration by Brad Clark