How to Become a Witness of Christ
December 2012

“How to Become a Witness of Christ,” Friend, Dec. 2012, 26


How to Become a Witness of Christ

Solve the crossword to learn some things you can do to become a witness of Jesus Christ. For help, see Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s message on the next page. See answers on page 48.

crossword puzzle

Illustrations by Brad Teare


  1. Live so as to reflect his _____.

  2. _____ the scriptures.

  3. _____ testimony to others.

  4. Reflect Him through the way we _____.

  5. As you do these things, ye are a _____ of Jesus Christ.


  1. Learn from the _____ of others.

  2. Reflect Him through the way we _____.

  3. Reflect Him through the way we _____.

  4. Learn from the testimony of _____.

  5. Help others learn of and _____ Him.

  • Across: 1) teachings, 3) search, 5) bear, 8) look, 9) witness Down: 1) testimony, 2) speak, 4) act, 6) parents, 7) follow
