Show and Tell
December 2012

“Show and Tell,” Friend, Dec. 2012, 38–39

Show and Tell

Clarissa G., age 8, Alabama

Jacob B., age 6, Idaho

Dane M., age 10, Utah

Kimberly C., age 10, British Columbia, Canada

Wendy W., age 7, New South Wales, Australia

Keira G., age 7, West Virginia, likes going to church and singing. She loves her family and her pets. Her sister is serving a mission in Sweden.

Joseph, Tim, Melanie, Stephen, Kyle, and John M., ages 11, 10, 9, 7, 5, and 3, Colorado, enjoy learning in Primary. They try to be kind to each other and have fun together. They are good examples to their friends and love sharing the gospel with friends who are not members of the Church. The boys enjoy playing soccer, and Melanie likes to sing and study about animals. It’s a family tradition that each child reads the Book of Mormon before he or she is baptized.

Hayden L., age 9, Utah, likes basketball, bike riding, video games, and reading. His favorite color is green. Hayden enjoys spending time with his older siblings and his niece and nephew. His favorite scripture story is Elijah and the priests of Baal.

At school, we were getting packed up at the end of the day. We got in line and started walking. As we passed the lunch area, my friend dropped his backpack and all his papers flew out. I went over to help him put his papers in his backpack. He said, “Thanks, Mark.” I said, “You’re welcome.” I felt nice.

Mark B., age 7, California

One day on my bus, my two friends and I started singing Christmas songs. Soon the whole bus started singing too. The bus driver was smiling. I had a happy feeling that I was sharing the Christmas spirit.

Alice W., age 8, Texas

One day my dad and I went to the store. An older lady in an electric cart got stuck on the corner of a shelf. I helped her get her cart unstuck. I know I can become more like Jesus as I give service to others.

Jonathan J., age 12, Virginia

I have a testimony that God loves all His children. We are all blessed by Him, and He loves each and every one of us. If we follow the commandments, He will bless us with eternal life. I love God, and I know He loves us because He sacrificed His Son for us. I will love Him forever!

Michelle P., age 10, California

Every year my family gets lots of peaches from my aunt’s tree. Whenever we get them my mom has all four kids help peel them, cut them in half, and put them into jars. None of us likes to help can the peaches, but we help anyway. We would want to do other things, like go to a friend’s house or watch TV. Last fall when my mom asked me if I would help with the peaches, I decided to help but with a good attitude this time. As we were canning, I noticed that we all were talking and laughing and having a good time. That was the most fun time I had canning peaches, and it took less time than I thought.

Katie W., age 12, Utah


Christmas is coming,

Christmas soon will be here.

You might just hear jingle bells

If you listen with your ear.

Kids will open presents

With smiles on their faces.

And for Christmas dinner

You might go some places.

I love Christmas,

And do you know why?

Well, I will tell you now—

It’s not because of apple pie.

It’s because of a little baby,

Who would suffer, who would die.

It’s because of a little baby,

Who never told a lie.

It’s because of the Wise Men,

All the shepherds, all the sheep.

It’s because of all the animals

Gathered ’round the manger where the child sleeps.

Do you know who this child is?

Well, I know I sure do.

This child is the Savior,

Who loves me, who loves you.

Anna H., age 10, Utah
