Printing the Words of Jesus Christ
March 2013

“Printing the Words of Jesus Christ,” Friend, Mar. 2013, 16

Stories of Jesus

Printing the Words of Jesus Christ

In the ancient Americas, many prophets recorded their prophecies and testimonies about the Savior. They wrote about how He would be born in a land far away and how He would be crucified and resurrected. They wrote about how He came to visit them after He was resurrected.

The prophet Mormon recorded these testimonies on gold plates. Then his son Moroni hid the plates in the ground. Hundreds of years later, Moroni, who was now a resurrected being, told Joseph Smith where to find the plates.

Heavenly Father gave Joseph Smith the power and ability to translate the writings into English. Today people all over the world are able to learn more about Jesus Christ by reading the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon has now been printed more than 150 million times in 85 languages. Parts of the book have also been translated in 23 more languages.

Moroni Burying the Plates by Tom Lovell, © IRI; Behold Your Little Ones © 1995 Gary L. Kapp, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Jon Robertson – DO NOT COPY; Young Man Reading Scriptures © 1992 Keith Larson
