Show and Tell
March 2013

“Show and Tell,” Friend, Mar. 2013, 38–39

Show and Tell

The Place We Love

Each morning with my sleepy eyes,

I look around and see

The people that I love the most

All looking back at me.

We all hurry to the table,

And we fold our arms to pray.

Next our mom starts reading scriptures—

That is how we start our day.

Dad runs off to work with a smile

While the baby makes a fuss.

Then morning chores are finished

Just in time to catch the bus!

Mommy waits at home for us

While through our day we roam.

And finally we all return—

Love begins and ends at home!

Samaria R., age 10, Arizona, USA

John P., Utah, USA

Amber B., age 9, Ohio, USA

Jordyn T., age 8, Idaho, USA

Daniel M., age 5, American Samoa

David C., age 9, California, USA

Skyler M., age 11, Utah, USA, is one of six children in his family. He has three older siblings serving missions at the same time—a sister in Missouri, a sister in Switzerland and Germany, and a brother in Guatemala. Skyler misses his brother and sisters, but he is glad they are serving the Lord. He can’t wait until he can serve a mission too!

After learning about the importance of temples, the activity days girls of the Oakdale First Ward, Modesto California North Stake, constructed the Oakland California Temple from sugar cubes, ice-cream cones, and glue. They used approximately 1,700 sugar cubes!

Josie A., age 6, Texas, USA, has performed in the Nauvoo Pageant with her family since she was two years old! In the pageant, she enjoys singing and playing the lap harp. Josie’s favorite scripture hero is Moses. Her best friend is her dad.

I was very scared to do a dance recital. It was my first time on stage. My mommy told me to say a prayer. The prayer made me happy and not scared anymore.

Sophia S., age 7, Maine, USA

When I was six, I got stung sixteen times by a swarm of bees while I was climbing a tree. My mom had to carry me home. At the time, my mom’s friend was visiting us. She was a nurse, and she was able to take care of me. I know that the Lord always provides a way for us to be taken care of, just like when I was taken care of by my mom’s friend.

Layne C., age 7, North Carolina, USA

For a class project, we had to choose a famous person and read a book about him or her. I chose Joseph Smith. I prepared and memorized a short speech telling about him and why he was famous. One day, all the parents were invited to see our presentations. Not many people at my school know about the Prophet Joseph Smith or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That day many people thanked me and told me they learned a lot.

Benson S., age 8, Michigan, USA

During recess, my friends asked me to swear. It was hard to say no because they’re my friends, and I wondered if they would tease me. But I still said no because I knew it wasn’t right. When I was eight, I was baptized, and I made promises to Heavenly Father to be obedient. When we obey the commandments, we are following Jesus. I know next time it will be easier to choose the right because I’ve done the right thing already.

Jayden B., age 8, Queensland, Australia
