Keep Your Words above the Line
May 2013

“Keep Your Words above the Line,” Friend, May 2013, 46

Keep Your Words above the Line

Speaking words that inspire and uplift others will make you happier too. The next time you are tempted to say something rude or unkind, consider using one of these words instead:

  • Amazing

  • Astonishing

  • Awesome

  • Brilliant

  • Excellent

  • Fantastic

  • Incredible

  • Marvelous

  • Outstanding

  • Stupendous

  • Super

  • Terrific

  • Tremendous

  • Unbelievable

  • Wonderful

Remember, the thirteenth article of faith reads: “If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.” Look for other positive words you can say and use them!
