James H. from Utah
May 2013

“James H. from Utah,” Friend, May 2013, 20–21

Friends Around the World

James H. from Utah

From an interview by Michelle Garrett

James H., age 11, from Salt Lake City, Utah, likes to learn about history, use computers, and search for clues like a detective. That’s why he got really excited when his parents invited the ward’s family history consultant to teach James’s family about the Church’s online family history program. It’s called Family Tree, and James loves using it to search through his family history chart to find the green arrows next to the names of ancestors who weren’t baptized or sealed to their families.

Since that day, James has found more than 80 of his ancestors’ names. It feels good to know he can help his ancestors by sending their names to the temple. “Someone up in heaven is thinking, ‘They finally found me!’” he says.

When I find a new ancestor who needs to have temple ordinances done, I print out the ancestor’s name so the temple work can be done.

I taught my little brother, William, how to type in names so he can help search for our ancestors online.

My favorite sport to play is lacrosse. I’m teaching my little brother to play too.

My mom and dad and older brother and sister have helped me by doing baptisms for the dead and other ordinances in the temple for the ancestors I find.

These are some of my ancestors. The little boy standing in front is my great-great-grandpa, Virgil Smith.

Family and ancestor photographs courtesy of the family; all other photographs by Cody Bell
