Show and Tell
May 2013

“Show and Tell,” Friend, May 2013, 38–39

Show and Tell

How Did You Watch General Conference?

After reading the articles and activities about general conference in the March 2012 issue of the Friend, the Foxboro Fourth Ward Primary, North Salt Lake Utah Legacy Stake, decided they would all watch conference that year! They drew pictures and took notes and sent them to the Friend!

Maren G. and Gavin T., ages 5 and 10, Foxboro Fourth Ward Primary, Utah, USA

Brooke F., age 7, Washington, USA, liked drawing the different speakers as they spoke during conference. It helped her listen to the talks as she kept her fingers busy.

Lexi B., age 8, Utah, USA, stamped her fingerprint on a piece of paper, then decorated each fingerprint with the face of a General Authority!

In 2011, I went to our stake conference and heard Elder Gérald Caussé of the Seventy speak. I listened to his talk and felt the Spirit. I got to shake his hand after the conference. I had a good, warm feeling in my heart.

Kevin N., age 9, West Yorkshire, England

In my ward, we get a special medal for memorizing all the Articles of Faith. I earned my medal and took it to school for show and tell. I also took a copy of the Articles of Faith to show my class what I had memorized. My teacher asked if I could say all 13 to the class. I stood up and did it! My teacher followed along to make sure I got them right, and she was amazed that I could say all of those words. There is only one other member of the Church in my class. I was happy that I could be a missionary as I shared the Articles of Faith with my friends at school.

Grace C., age 7, Illinois, USA

I like to go with my mom when she works at a nursing home. I’ve been volunteering there for four years. I have many friends who live there, and I give out lots of smiles and hugs. Sometimes I bring stuffed animals to give them. I like to play games with the residents and read to them. I always feel so good when I visit.

Livia D.S., age 8, Montana, USA

I have been waiting for the ice-cream truck to come down my street for a long time. Finally, one Sunday I heard the music right by my house. I was so excited, and I ran to get my money to buy an ice-cream bar. My mom reminded me that it was the Sabbath day and that we do not shop on Sunday. We keep it holy. I asked the ice-cream man if he could come back to my street on a Saturday, and he said, “OK.” I felt good that I kept Sunday special.

Holden C., age 6, Arkansas, USA

My Many Blessings

I’m grateful for my birth

And my family on earth.

God’s blessed me with talents and gifts,

So my neighbors I must lift.

I’m grateful for my friends

And the fun that never ends.

My prophet teaches me

Like the Savior I can be.

James F., age 10, Idaho, USA

Megan S., age 10, Virginia, USA

James W., age 6, North Dakota, USA

Wyatt S., age 11, Arizona, USA
