Following Jesus
July 2013

“Following Jesus,” Friend, July 2013, 12

Following Jesus

Be Prayerful

Jesus Christ said, “Pray to thy Father” (Matthew 6:6).

Jesus prayed to Heavenly Father and invited us to follow His example. He taught that we should not pray to impress others and that when we pray we shouldn’t just repeat words that we don’t mean. Instead, we should use respectful language to thank Heavenly Father for what we have been given, ask Him for what we need, and pray for other people—even those we don’t get along with. (See Matthew 5:44.)

This month’s challenges:

Challenge 1: Before you pray, ask yourself, “Who could I pray for today?”

Challenge 2: Use respectful words like “Thee” and “Thou” to talk to Heavenly Father.

Challenge 3: Read the Lord’s Prayer in 3 Nephi 13:9–13.
