Show and Tell
July 2013

“Show and Tell,” Friend, July 2013, 38–39

Show and Tell

Ty J., age 5, Idaho, USA, likes riding his bike, playing on the swings, and reading stories. He enjoys taking care of his pet cat. His favorite part of the Friend is the coloring pages.

Lauryn and Amanda W., ages 8 and 11, California, USA, are sisters who enjoy playing the piano and tap dancing. They both play soccer and like being coached by their dad. They once gave their friend a CTR ring, and now all three girls wear their rings to school!

Bradford, Blakely, Abby, and Baya R., ages 2, 9, 7, and 4, Utah, USA, enjoy jumping on their trampoline and swimming. This summer they visited Church and American history sites. Here they are visiting the Mayflower!

Resist Temptation

Resist temptation’s power

And look to the light,

For hope will always

Stay in sight.

So long as we hold strong

To the iron rod,

Our lives will not be buried

In the sod.

Resist temptation’s power;

Stay true to your word,

For you can always depend

On Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Gavin D., age 11, Virginia, USA

Jeffrey M., age 6, Maryland, USA

Matthew M., age 8, American Samoa

Briana F., age 11, Utah, USA

Ellisyn P., age 8, Utah, USA

Luke B., age 7, Kansas, USA

During family home evening I found out I’m related to Edward Partridge, the first bishop of the Church. Since that family home evening lesson, I have been very interested in family history work. I love to go online and research my ancestors. I have found census records with information about my ancestors. I am excited for my family to do the temple work for the people I have found. Our family is linked through temple work.

Carly B., age 9, Texas, USA

One day I was playing on the playground, and there was a girl who had a different- looking face. My mom told me that she couldn’t help that she was born that way. A boy was being mean to the girl, and I didn’t want her to have her feelings hurt, so I played with her. She was fun to play with and was really nice. I am glad that I got to play with her. I chose to do the right thing by not making fun of someone who looked different.

Caroline S., age 7, North Carolina, USA

On Sunday my bishop challenged every member of our ward to give out a copy of the Book of Mormon during the week. On Monday my family prayed to know who each person should give their Book of Mormon to. I felt like I should give mine to my preschool teacher, Miss Stacey. She attends a church right next to my ward building and has asked me a few questions about our church. During family home evening I marked the scripture passage Moroni 10:3–5 and bookmarked it with a pass-along card. I glued my picture in the front cover and wrote my name. I was so excited to give it to her! The next morning I walked to preschool and handed her the Book of Mormon. She smiled really big and said, “Thank you so much!” I’m so glad I accepted our bishop’s challenge to share a Book of Mormon.

Jackson M., age 5, Arizona, USA

I am the only member of the Church in my class at school. One day I had a substitute teacher, and she asked a question about a Christian religion in a different country. I thought the answer was Mormons, so I answered her question. She told me that she wanted to know a Christian religion because she thought that Mormons were not Christians. I told her that Mormons are Christians because we believe in Jesus Christ. I had just been baptized, and I knew that I believed in Jesus Christ. Our church is His Church. I bore my testimony of the Savior to my whole class. Many people have asked me questions about my religion since that day, and I have been able to be a missionary and share the gospel because I stood up for my beliefs.

Tate M., age 8, Virginia, USA

My friend gave me an invitation to her party! I was so excited—until I noticed it was on Sunday. My mom called her mom and explained that we made a decision many years ago that Sundays are a day of worship and a day to spend time with our family, and that I wouldn’t be able to go to the party. Then my friend’s mom changed the day of the party to a Saturday, just so I could come! I love my friends!

Emma F., age 8, Ohio, USA
