Following Jesus: Be A Good Example
March 2014

“Following Jesus: Be A Good Example,” Friend, Mar. 2014, 29

Following Jesus

Be a Good Example

Following Jesus, Be a Good Example

What Jesus Taught

One day a crowd of people followed Jesus onto a hillside, and He began teaching them how to live so they could be happy. He said they should be humble, show mercy, try to be righteous, and be peacemakers. Then He told them to help teach others by setting good examples. He said, “Ye are the light of the world. … Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14, 16). Setting a good example is one way you can follow Jesus and help others follow Him too.

Following Jesus Today

One night when we were having family home evening, my baby brother was running around and yelling. Some of my siblings were laughing at him. I tried to follow Jesus by being a good example and not laughing. Instead, I sat quietly and listened to the lesson. I felt good inside because I knew what I had done was right.

Landon Z., age 7, Utah, USA

One Sunday after church, my friends were running in the church halls. One of my friends wanted me to play tag, but I decided to be a good example by not doing that. I felt good because I know Heavenly Father is proud of me for not running in His church.

Jezmin P., age 7, Massachusetts, USA

This Month’s Challenge:

  • Be honest in your schoolwork.

  • Dress and act modestly.

  • Use words that are polite and respectful.

  • I challenge myself to …
