Show and Tell
October 2014

“Show and Tell,” Friend, Oct. 2014, 38–39

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

For a Primary activity, these children from South Africa wrote poems about why they are special. They wrote about their physical and spiritual talents. Here are some of their poems!

I am special because …

I am special because I have a lovely smile.

I am special because I am kind.

I am special because I have green eyes.

I am special because I am fun.

I am special because I am fast.

I am special because I am sweet.

I am special because I have the Holy Ghost.

Rachel W., age 11, South Africa

I am special because …

I am special because I am good looking.

I am special because I am always laughing.

I am special because I have soft hair.

I am special because I choose to go to church.

I am special because I am a good sport.

I am special because I am Heavenly Father’s son.

I am special because I read the scriptures.

Ezra M., age 9, South Africa

Jake M. from Arizona, USA, started building model temples when he was 11 and has finished four of them—Las Vegas, Provo, Denmark, and Salt Lake City. Jake loves to go to the temple. His next visit will be with his cousins to be baptized for people in his father’s family who were not members of the Church.

I just started middle school, and it is so much fun. I found so many friends that rock, but lately I’ve been having trouble with a girl. Sometimes I come home crying because of her. But one day I said a prayer and had my dad give me a blessing. Now it’s the second semester of school, and I’ve had no problem with her. I’m so happy I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and a father who can give me a blessing to help me feel better.

September S., age 12, Florida, USA

My favorite part of conference is the priesthood session. When my dad and grandpa go to priesthood session, I get to stay home and make doughnuts with my mom and little brothers, to eat when they get back. I can’t wait until I’m 12 and can go to priesthood session too.

Spencer S., age 6, Utah, USA

I’m working on my Faith in God booklet. It can help you find new talents or get better at the ones you have. It takes a lot of practice to develop your talents. At school, my art teacher is helping my class find our art skills by teaching us art.

Grace H., age 9, Alberta, Canada

One time when I was four-wheeling in the mountains with my family, a big storm came in very quickly. There was lightning all around us, and I was very scared. I told my mom and dad we should say a prayer. We said a prayer, and Heavenly Father protected us as we drove home. When we got home, I thanked Heavenly Father for keeping us safe.

Carson B., age 4, Puerto Rico

I noticed that I was having a hard time paying attention in school. I was daydreaming a lot, and I wasn’t learning everything that I was being taught. So one night I prayed to Heavenly Father, “Please help me to pay attention in class so that I can raise my grades.” The next day I went to school, and it was a good day. I learned a lot and was able to pay attention to the teacher that day. Now I know that if you ask with all your heart, Heavenly Father will answer your prayer.

Brock P., age 11, Utah, USA
