Show and Tell
December 2014

“Show and Tell,” Friend, Dec. 2014, 28–29

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

While my family and I were saying family prayer, I felt something I had never felt before. I felt this feeling when my mom was praying for a visitor of ours to be guided and protected. The feeling was warm and good. I felt that Heavenly Father would help me in my life and that He loves me. Lately I’ve been tempted with bad thoughts about the Church, but after feeling this good feeling, I feel good. I feel I have my own testimony now. I know the Church is true. I know Joseph Smith translated the golden plates and that they are the words of Heavenly Father. I felt the Holy Ghost tell me that, and I know it’s true.

Alex M., age 7, Utah, USA

Christmas is all about love and remembering Jesus’s birth. Jesus loves everyone, and my family loves me very much, and all my friends care about me. They follow Jesus’s example. Christmas is joyful. Christmas isn’t about getting presents and singing carols. It is about remembering when Jesus was born.

Mille B., age 7, England

A boy at school threw rocks at two girls in my class, and he also kicked rocks at one of the boys. The next day I made friends with him. I found out he just needed a friend. I think Jesus wants us to forgive others when they do wrong things. We should give them another chance.

Georgia I., age 7, Virginia, USA

The children of the Crowsnest Pass Branch, Alberta, Canada, put the principles they learned in sharing time into their lives by competing in their own gospel Olympics! They got a medal for each “sport” they did.

Primary children from the Franklin Stake, Tennessee, USA, participated in the Franklin City Parade. They practiced Christmas Primary songs for weeks. When the big day arrived, the children bundled up and paraded through the cold to spread their message of the Savior through song.

Baby Jesus

The Christmas air was clean and bright,

The manger filled with gleaming light.

The shepherds came from afar,

To worship Jesus under the star.

He is our King from day to day,

He helps us in every way.

He died for us to save mankind,

The doors of death will now unbind.

Kind, gentle, and loving,

Jesus Christ was always giving.

Jesus Christ the Son of God,

Humbly lying in the sod.

Truman P., age 9, Utah, USA
