Bulletin Board
January 2015

“Bulletin Board,” Friend, Jan. 2015, 17

Bulletin Board

Wake Up!

Start your day with a quick, yummy breakfast. Peel a banana and smear it with peanut or almond butter. Then roll it in your choice of granola, raisins, or crispy rice cereal. Cut it in sections to make breakfast sushi!

Fun with Friends

Be a good friend by learning to understand how other people are feeling. Write the feelings in the list on slips of paper and put them in a bowl. Take turns pulling out a feeling and acting it out for your family or friends to guess.

  • Happy

  • Sad

  • Hungry

  • Tired

  • Excited

  • Shy

  • Think of more feelings and add them to the game!

Stand Tall!

What can you do to remember your covenants?

Give Us a Hand!

Help us in our quest to collect stories of kindness and caring this year! Read about it on page 5. Then check back on Bulletin Board each month for updates!

Bulletin Board
