Finding Ways to Help
February 2015

“Finding Ways to Help,” Friend, Feb. 2015, 14–15

Friends Who Care

Finding Ways to Help

Finding Ways to Help

Hi, I’m Zack! Some people can’t walk and don’t have enough money to buy a wheelchair. Sometimes they can’t go to school or have a job. Other people ignore them or look down on them. When I found out about that, I wanted to help!

A Cool Idea

When I was six, my school decided to raise money to buy 13 wheelchairs. I thought it was a really cool idea. I came home and talked my mom into having a lemonade stand to earn money to help.

Cookies and Lemonade

My family and I made lots of cookies to sell with the lemonade. We earned enough to buy one whole wheelchair.

Zack’s Shack

I decided to keep my lemonade stand going. I call it Zack’s Shack. The third year I did it, our family and friends helped us make 460 dozen cookies. People heard about it on Facebook, and about 500 people came. Afterward I felt the Spirit tell me we had done well.

Why He Helps

I heard about a woman who was born with no legs. She crawled five miles with her baby on her back to get her new wheelchair. I feel good inside each time I sell a cookie or lemonade because I know it’s helping someone.
