Showing Love through Service
February 2015

“Showing Love through Service,” Friend, Feb. 2015, 2–3

Follow the Prophet

Showing Love through Service

Showing Love through Service

As a child President Thomas S. Monson learned to help others any way he could. He grew up in an area of Salt Lake City, Utah, that was hit hard by the Great Depression. He watched his mother fix meals for people who had no food and his father give jobs to people who had no work. His parents’ examples taught him to look for opportunities to bless others.

When he became an Apostle, President Monson was assigned to watch over the Church in Eastern Europe. The members there had very little money, and it was hard for them to buy new clothing. While visiting East Germany, President Monson noticed a man at church whose suit was very worn. The man’s name was Brother Adler.

After the meeting President Monson changed into a pair of pants and a shirt he had packed in his suitcase. He then handed his almost-new suit to Brother Adler and said, “I think this will fit you.”

Brother Adler was surprised. Before he could say anything, President Monson offered his shoes as well. The shoes were too big for Brother Adler, but a man standing nearby said the shoes would fit his son. President Monson handed his shoes to the man and wore an old pair from his bag.

For the next 20 years, President Monson took extra clothes every time he visited East Germany. His generosity blessed many people. Before one Church meeting began, he looked at a young man sitting in the congregation and said, “That’s a fine suit you have on.”

The young man replied, “It should be. It’s yours!”

President Monson’s example teaches us to show love for others as we serve them.
