Conference Notes
May 2015

“Conference Notes,” Friend, May 2015, 6–7

Conference Notes

Here are some great stories and pictures from the April 2015 general conference. What stories did you like best?

Conference Notes

Overcoming Fear

Elder David A. Bednar

One day while playing with his friends as a boy, Elder David A. Bednar accidentally broke a window in a store near his home. The glass shattered and set off a security alarm! Elder Bednar thought he would have to go to prison. He was so afraid that he hid under his bed until his parents helped him calm down and apologize to the store owner. Elder Bednar used this story to teach that all of us are scared sometimes, but when we look to Jesus Christ and follow Him, we can feel peace instead of fear.

What this teaches me:

Staying Safe

Linda K. Burton

Sister Linda K. Burton told the story of a family who moved into a new house. The yard didn’t have a fence around it. The father put stakes in the corners of the yard and tied strings around the stakes to mark the edge of the yard. He told his five children that if they stayed inside the boundaries, they would be safe. The children listened to their dad, even when a ball rolled past the string! They were safe and happy.

What this teaches me:

Grateful for the Gospel

Bishop Gérald Caussé

Bishop Gérald Caussé spoke about three men who lived in a village in Africa. When it was time for a district conference, they walked for two weeks through muddy roads to get to the meeting! They brought tithing from people in their village to give to Church leaders. They stayed for a week so that they could take the sacrament before heading home again, carrying boxes of copies of the Book of Mormon on their heads to bring to their village. What sacrifices are we willing to make to live the gospel?

What this teaches me:

Strong Like Moroni

Elder Ulisses Soares

Elder Ulisses Soares told the story of a boy who followed the example of Captain Moroni. The boy saw his classmates looking at bad pictures on their cell phones. He had to make a quick decision. He was filled with courage and told his friends that what they were doing was not right. Most of his classmates made fun of him, but one friend decided to stop looking at the pictures. Elder Soares said we can be strong like Captain Moroni and stand up for our testimony of truth.

What this teaches me:
