The Sparkly Rock
Jun. 2015

“The Sparkly Rock,” Friend, Jun. 2015, 36–39

For Little Friends

The Sparkly Rock

The Sparkly Rock

Laney was ready for the beach! She had her sandals on. She had her bucket to make sandcastles.

Laney’s whole family was going. But Aunt Amy was still on the couch. She wasn’t feeling well.

“I’ll stay home with you!” Laney said.

Aunt Amy smiled. “Thank you, Laney. But I want you to have fun.”

At the beach, Laney built a sandcastle and jumped in the waves. But she kept thinking about Aunt Amy. What could she do to help her feel better?

Laney had an idea. She could surprise Aunt Amy with the prettiest rock on the beach!

Laney looked and looked. Then she saw a sparkle. She picked up the rock. It had lines of blue and green and gold in it. It was perfect!

At home Laney ran inside. “Aunt Amy, look what I found for you!”

“Wow!” Aunt Amy said. She gave Laney a big hug. “What a beautiful present! Thank you.”

Laney was glad she could make Aunt Amy smile.
