Dear Parents and Teachers
Jul. 2015

“Dear Parents and Teachers,” Friend, Jul. 2015, back cover

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Dear Parents and Teachers

July 24th is a day when we remember the early Saints who traveled to Utah as pioneers. On page 16 you’ll find a matching activity about where some of these brave families came from. We can help children understand that while not everyone has ancestors who traveled in handcarts, all of us can be grateful for the courage of converts. Who are the pioneers in your family? Let’s share their stories!

Happy Pioneer Day,

The Friend

Primary Connection

Look for the colored diamonds on the table of contents to find stories and activities that support Primary this month!

Find more teaching resources at lessonhelps.lds.org

Family Home Evening Ideas

Sabbath Day: Read “Rowdy to Reverent” (page 4). How can your family make the Sabbath a delightful, holy day? Use your ideas to make a “Sunday Box” (page 6).

Talents: Read the parable of the talents on page 40. Then use the “Family Talk” ideas on page 41. Help each family member identify at least one talent he or she has. How can you help each other develop talents? Plan a family talent show!

Articles of Faith: Read about Article of Faith 8 (page 42). Pick a challenge from the challenge card to do as a family. You can test your Articles of Faith knowledge with the memory game on children.lds.org.

Temples: Read “Temple Time” on page 26. Can your family create a family temple night? Talk about what happens in temples (page 24) and make a stained-glass picture and cookies (page 30). Check out the other temple content in this issue on pages 21–37. You can also watch a video about temples on friend.lds.org.