Finding Comfort
Jul. 2015

“Finding Comfort,” Friend, Jul. 2015, inside front cover

Finding Comfort

Emma G., age 10, Florida, USA

Thank you for the story “Elisabeth Is Happy All the Time” (April 2014). My grandpa recently passed away because of cancer, and the story really helped me cope with the sad feelings due to his death. Like Elizabeth in the story, I still cry a lot, but I know my grandpa loves me very, very much and that death is not the end. Soon I will see him again in the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

I showed the story to my family, and they all agreed that it was exceptional. I try and help my nana when she is sad, and sometimes we just sit and cry with our arms around each other. It makes me feel better to know that I comforted her just by being me and making her laugh.

I love my grandpa, and I will see him again. Thank you for a story that touched hearts!
