A New Feeling
Sep. 2015

“A New Feeling,” Friend, Sep. 2015, 32–33

A New Feeling

“The Spirit whispers this to me and tells me it is true” (Children’s Songbook, 5).

A New Feeling

Gabriel loved learning about Jesus. He loved hearing stories from the scriptures. His family read the scriptures together every night.

One rainy night they snuggled together in their home. Papa said a prayer. Then Mama read stories from the Book of Mormon. Gabriel tried to listen very carefully. Mama read about Jesus talking to children.

“Mama, the children were with Jesus?” Gabriel asked.

“That’s right,” she said. “And He blessed each of them and prayed for them.”

Gabriel felt a new feeling inside. He did not know what it was. He felt warm even though it was chilly outside. He smiled big.

Gabriel wanted to share this special feeling. “I feel so happy and warm!” he said.

“That special feeling is the Holy Ghost,” Papa told him. “He gives you a warm feeling to help you know that the scriptures are true.”

Mama smiled and hugged Gabriel. “That feeling tells you that Jesus loves you.”

“Jesus blesses me,” Gabriel said. “Just like the children in the Book of Mormon! He sent the Holy Ghost to me!”

He couldn’t stop smiling. “I know the scriptures are true,” he said. “The Holy Ghost told me!”
