Bulletin Board
Sep. 2015

“Bulletin Board,” Friend, Sep. 2015, 17

Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board


Mix honey mustard with low-fat whipped cream cheese for a yummy dip for cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, or pieces of cauliflower or broccoli.

Stand Tall

What things do you read and watch?

Give Us a Hand!

So far you’ve sent us 11,879 hands! Go to page 48 to find out how to send us your handprint.

“I helped someone move to a new home.”

Dianna H., age 8, Florida, USA

Positive Power

Being positive is a great way to make friends and help others. Try this experiment with an adult’s help.

  1. Fill a bowl with water. The water is like your mind when you wake up—clear and fresh.

  2. Sprinkle pepper onto the water. When you hear mean words or feel angry, the pepper is like those negative thoughts floating around in your mind.

  3. Squeeze a drop of dish soap into the bowl. The soap is like positive thoughts and words—they can push away bad influences instantly!
