Fasting for Vanuatu
Sep. 2015

“Fasting for Vanuatu,” Friend, Sep. 2015, 2–3

From the First Presidency

Fasting for Vanuatu

Adapted from “Is Not This the Fast That I Have Chosen?” Ensign, May 2015, 22–25.

We use fast offerings to help those in need.

Fasting for Vanuatu

We have the opportunity to fast once a month and give a generous fast offering through our bishop or branch president to help the poor and the needy.

Several months ago I read about a storm that hit the island of Vanuatu. It destroyed many homes and killed at least six people. When I read that, I remembered visiting little homes on Vanuatu. I could picture the people huddled in homes during the storm.

Then I pictured the bishop and the Relief Society president giving the people who had lost their homes comfort, blankets, food to eat, and water to drink. They would be using fast offerings to help those in need.

So I didn’t wait for Sunday. I took a fast offering to my bishop that morning. That money might help someone in my neighborhood, but it could also go to help people in Vanuatu.

There are more hungry, homeless, and lonely children of Heavenly Father than we can possibly help on our own. So the Lord has given us something that we can do to help. It is a commandment with a wonderful promise for those in need and for us.

It is the law of the fast.

I bear my witness that Jesus is the Christ, that in His Church we are invited to help Him as He cares for the poor in His way, and that He promises everlasting blessings will come from our helping Him.

5 Fasting Facts

Who: Anyone old enough and healthy enough to go without food and water (ask your parents)

What: Skip eating and drinking for two meals

When: The first Sunday of each month

How: Pray before, during, and after fasting; go to church; give a fast offering

Why: To strengthen your faith and help people who need help

Fasting Promise

Heavenly Father promises us amazing blessings when we fast. Find one by doing the crossword. Then unscramble the letters in yellow squares and fill in the blanks of the scripture verse below. One letter has been done for you. Check your answers below.


  1. Leader of a ward

  2. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

  3. Another name for a tropical storm

  4. The Sabbath


  1. Gift

  2. Land surrounded by water

“Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____” (Isaiah 58:9).

To Vanuatu from Utah

Help President Eyring’s fast offering money get to Vanuatu! Number the pictures to put them in the right order.

  • Answers: Across: 1, bishop; 3, meals; 5, cyclone; 6, Sunday; Down: 2, offering; 4, island; “Here am I”
