When I Grow Up … I Want to Be an Artist
Sep. 2015

“When I Grow Up … I Want to Be an Artist,” Friend, Sep. 2015, 21

When I Grow Up …

I Want to Be an Artist

My name is Rose Datoc Dall, and I’m an artist.

When I Grow Up … I Want to Be an Artist

How did you become an artist?

Besides lots of practice drawing and painting, I earned a college degree in art history. I also took business classes so I could sell my artwork and use technology in my business.

What do you love about being an artist?

I love painting people’s facial expressions, gestures, and emotions. I also love colors and light and being able to create with my hands. When I paint, I feel like I’m solving a problem or creating an idea that didn’t exist before.

Where do you work?

I paint at home so I can be with my children, and I sell my paintings in art galleries and exhibits, on my website, and in bookstores. I also teach classes and workshops.

How does art help you share your testimony?

I “paint” my testimony by drawing people from the scriptures. I feel the Holy Ghost as I study the scriptures and paint, and when I follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father can use my work to bless others.

I also get to help young artists develop their talents, just like other artists helped me. Heavenly Father gives each of us talents and gifts to develop. When we share our testimonies through our talents, we can bless others.
