Show and Tell
February 2016

“Show and Tell,” Friend, Feb. 2016, 28–29

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

The Rockwood 2nd Ward Primary, St. Louis Stake, Missouri, USA, made family banners. The children drew pictures and wrote what was important to their own family.

For stake conference, the Primary children in Sioux Falls Stake, South Dakota, USA, put on an art show. The theme was “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus.” It brought a special spirit to stake conference.

Heavenly Father’s Plan

Heavenly Father has a plan

It’s very easy to understand.

First He made the Earth,

Then He sent me here through birth.

I grow and learn in my family,

And if I choose the right happily,

I can live with Him again,

For death is not the end.

It really is simple, so you see,

Heavenly Father really loves me!

Katie A., age 10, Pennsylvania, USA

One day I was in my room, and I looked at my picture of Jesus. I felt a warm feeling inside that Heavenly Father loves me. I also felt the Holy Ghost tell me that Jesus is real and He loves me too.

Anne M., age 5, Utah, USA

When I lie down to sleep, I often feel scared. Whenever I feel that way at night, I try to think of Jesus, and then the Holy Ghost is with me. Then the scary thoughts go away.

Yuru S., age 5, Virginia, USA

I invited two friends to our Church branch activity. It was an indoor fair. Even though only one of them came, I felt good about inviting them. I am glad that I could be a missionary.

Martha W., age 10, Pembrokeshire, Wales

We live on an island in the Dutch Caribbean, and we are the only members of the Church there. My father baptized me in the Caribbean Sea. My great-grandparents, grandparents, branch president and his wife, and two other people who are not members of our Church attended.

Jeffrey C., age 8, St. Eustatius, Caribbean, Netherlands

Standing Tall Footprints

Here’s how some of your friends at the Friend have pledged to stand tall!

I will stand tall by unplugging from distractions and spending lots of time with my family!

David D., writer

I will stand tall by not reading books that aren’t good, even if they’re popular.

Lori F., copyeditor

I will stand tall by thinking less about myself and more about how I can help people around me.

Eric M., writer

I will stand tall by using my free time to do uplifting activities.

Marissa W., editor

I will stand tall by not judging others.

MaryEllen V., volunteer

I will stand tall by choosing to listen to good music.

Breanne R., intern

I will stand tall by being brave and optimistic!

Jan P., managing editor

I will stand tall by showing kindness and love to others and being a friend to all!

Carrie K., administrative assistant

I will stand tall by being a good example.

Linda D., volunteer
