Friends and Faith
July 2016

“Friends and Faith,” Friend, July 2016, 14–15

Friends Who Stand Tall

Friends and Faith

Friends and Faith

Hi! I’m Ivana. I live in Bogotá, Colombia, and I stand tall by sharing the gospel with my friends and family.

I go to a Catholic school for girls. Some of my beliefs are different than those of my classmates and teachers, but they respect me, and I respect them. They are curious about my religion, and I get to share it with them! Here I am with my friend Luisa.

A teacher asked me if we believed the same things as Catholics. I told her that we believe in Jesus Christ. I also talked about the Book of Mormon, the Bible, and the Doctrine and Covenants.

My dad isn’t a member of the Church, but he often comes to the activities. I tease him that he is a “Cath-ormon” (Catholic-Mormon).

I invited one school friend to come to my baptism, and she did! I’m glad I got to share that experience with her.

We visited Salt Lake City for general conference and heard President Monson speak. His words are so beautiful, and they teach about the gospel.

The Bogotá Colombia Temple is beautiful. I want to go inside someday so I can learn more about the gospel. My friend Laura came with me when I visited the temple grounds.

Ivana’s Tips for Standing Tall

  • Smile and share stories from church and scriptures with others.

  • Attend Church meetings every Sunday.

  • Have family home evening.

  • Try to read the scriptures every day.
