Show and Tell
August 2016

“Show and Tell,” Friend, August 2016, 28–29

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

The Stratford Branch Primary, Kitchener Ontario Stake, Ontario, Canada, enjoyed making a model of the Toronto Ontario Temple during their branch temple trip. They look forward to seeing this model in the Primary room on Sundays.

After we visited the Hague Netherlands Temple with our Primary, we came home and built one out of blocks!

Silas and Asha G., ages 4 and 7, Amsterdam, Netherlands

It is hard for me, but I follow the Holy Ghost little by little. It makes my family proud of me.

Jazmin B., age 6, New York, USA

I was drawing with chalk in our driveway, and my mom was inside our house. She had a prompting to come and sit with me outside. As soon as I sat in her lap, a car zoomed down our street going backwards. They drove right into our driveway, where I had been drawing. We are so thankful for the Holy Ghost, who helped us stay safe.

Benjamin H., age 8, Arkansas, USA

I saw a person at a restaurant who only had three fingers on each hand. At first I thought it was weird, but then I thought about Jesus Christ. He loves everyone just the same. I was born with bent pinkies. I know Jesus loves me just the same as He loves everybody else.

Elli L., age 8, Utah, USA

Once I was playing a game on the computer, and it took the Lord’s name in vain. I closed the game down and told my mom. She was proud of me, and I have never played that game again. I know I chose the right.

Sam H., age 10, Missouri, USA

My sisters and I started arguing, and we could tell that the Holy Ghost had left us. My mom asked us to sing some Primary songs instead of arguing. After we were done singing, I felt peaceful and happy inside. Good music can help us keep the Holy Ghost with us.

Madison M., age 9, Arizona, USA

I love making origami figures! Here I made Nephi, President Monson, and Joseph Smith. I help teach my family scripture stories using my origami figures.

Jaxon H., age 10, Arizona, USA

Standing Tall Footprints

I will stand tall by being generous to others.

Tristan W., age 10, Hong Kong

I can stand tall by being reverent at church and being nice to my sister.

Alyssa B., age 5, Utah, USA

On Sunday I asked my younger sister to be reverent like Heavenly Father wants us to be in sacrament meeting.

Ephraim B., age 6, Rivers State, Nigeria

I will be a good example to my friends.

Kirstie B., age 6, Hampshire, England

I can stand tall by talking more to my mom so we understand each other better.

Austin G., age 7, Utah, USA

I am very good around the house, especially cleaning the bathrooms.

Amy B., age 10, Hampshire, England

My soccer teammates were teasing my friend, so I stood up for him. I’m trying to be like Jesus and be a good friend.

Micah A., age 10, Pennsylvania, USA

I will stand tall by helping others.

Ashley W., age 9, Hong Kong
