Searching for Church
October 2016

“Searching for Church,” Friend, October 2016, 2–3

From the First Presidency

Searching for Church

Adapted from “The Holy Ghost as Your Companion,” October 2015 general conference.

Searching for Church

Years ago my father’s work took him to Australia. He was alone one Sunday, and he wanted to take the sacrament. He couldn’t find any information about Latter-day Saint Church meetings. So he started walking. He prayed to know which way to turn. After walking and making turns for an hour, he stopped to pray again. He felt an impression to turn at a particular street. Soon he began to hear singing coming from a building close by. He looked in at the window and saw a few people sitting near a table covered with a white cloth and sacrament trays.

That was only one example of a time when my father prayed and then did what the Holy Ghost told him to do. His whole life he did little things for God that he was prompted to do.

We need the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Act on the promptings you feel. If it is to pay tithing or visit a sad friend, you should do it. Whatever it is, do it. When you show that you are willing to obey, the Spirit will send you more impressions of what God would have you do for Him. As you obey, your power to choose the right will increase. When it seems difficult, God will send the Holy Ghost to help.

Holy Ghost Scripture Chase

Lily learned a lot about the Holy Ghost from the scriptures, but somehow the notes she made got mixed up. Can you help her by drawing a line to match the scripture with what she learned?

  • The Holy Ghost doesn’t have a body of flesh and bones, but is a spirit.

  • The Holy Ghost speaks to our mind and to our heart.

  • We receive the Holy Ghost after we are baptized.

  • The Holy Ghost “beareth record,” or testifies, of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.

  • The Holy Ghost can comfort us and help us remember things.
