Happy Sabbath: Sunday Stories
December 2016

“Happy Sabbath: Sunday Stories,” Friend, December 2016

Happy Sabbath

Sunday Stories

Happy Sabbath

We hope you’ve learned a lot this year about making Sunday a special day to focus on and learn about Jesus. Here are some ways children like you keep the Sabbath day holy. Write to us at the Friend and tell us how your family makes Sunday special!

One day I was coming back from my dad’s house. It was Sunday morning, and he asked me if I wanted to stop and get something for breakfast. I definitely wanted to stop. I was hungry, but after we remembered that it was Sunday, I told him that I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to keep the Sabbath day holy. That day I was happy because I did what was right. And I also helped my dad to choose the right. Good choices help me feel the Holy Ghost.

Isaac J., age 8, Idaho, USA

When it is warm enough, Elizabeth M., age 10, Utah, USA, likes going on walks with her family after church to visit her grandma.

One winter Sunday morning, it was cold and icy, and it had snowed the night before. We were debating whether or not to go to church. We decided to go. While listening to the talks, I felt the Spirit stronger than ever before. I was very happy that we went to church that day, and I know why I felt the Spirit. It was because this was the first time I actually listened to the talks. I felt very happy, calm, and humble.

Annabell K., age 10, Maryland, USA
