Thanks for Standing Tall!
December 2016

“Thanks for Standing Tall!” Friend, December 2016

Thanks for Standing Tall!

Thanks for Standing Tall!

This year thousands of you told us how you are standing tall for the Savior. Here are just a few of your footprints. Look for a new challenge for 2017 in next month’s Friend.

I will stand tall by not participating in bad social media.

Katie C., age 12, Iowa, USA

I stand tall by feeding the chickens without complaining.

Hezekiah V., age 8, Colorado, USA

Be friends with everyone. Make sure to always include all children no matter how different they are.

Leila P., age 5, Louisiana, USA

I will stand tall by … inviting people to church.

Annie W., age 10, Ohio, USA

In a pledge to stand tall I will read the scriptures daily even though I might find it hard. I will stand tall and do it because I know that’s the right thing to do.

Alexis T., age 11, Victoria, Australia

In a pledge to stand tall I am going to stand up for myself and help those who are dealing with hard times!

Aleisha I., age 11, Victoria, Australia

I can stand tall by telling the truth.

Jake W., age 3, Ohio, USA

I will stand tall by … being righteous.

Sonny S., age 5, Washington, USA

I will stand tall by being kind to my little brothers even though they are a little annoying.

Ariel S., age 8, Washington, USA

I will read the Book of Mormon and get ready for my mission.

Kelly S., age 8, Victoria, Australia
