Family Night Fun: Family Stories
March 2017

“Family Night Fun: Family Stories,” Friend, March 2017

Family Night Fun

Here are some family home evening ideas from this month’s magazine. What other ideas can you come up with?

Family Night Fun

Better than Gold

The scriptures say that the gospel is like a treasure (see Matthew 13:44–46). The best treasures aren’t jewels or gold—they are worth much more than money. They remind us that Heavenly Father loves us. Read “The Treasure Box” on page 4. Then start your own family treasure box!

  1. Get a box and have everyone find a treasure to put in it. What the object means to you is more important than what it is!

  2. On a piece of paper, write down why that treasure is special.

  3. Go around the circle and have everyone read what they wrote.

  4. Keep the treasures and papers together in the box. Add new treasures to the box whenever you want!

Where Your Heart is

Here are some ways to help you focus on what matters most:

  • Remember that people are always more valuable than things.

  • Pray to Heavenly Father so you can stay close to Him.

  • Listen to the Holy Ghost. He can help you know what’s most important.

Fruit Salad Fun

Sharing is the best part of having a family treasure box! Everyone has something special to add. Make a fruit salad with your family. Each person can add their favorite fruit. Chop it all up and mix it together, and you’ll have a treasure of a treat! Here are some other things you can add:

  • fresh mint leaves

  • lemon juice

  • honey

  • crumbled feta cheese

  • nuts or seeds

  • shredded coconut

  • chocolate chips

  • marshmallows

Bonus Treat

Try this sweet spread for FHE this month!

Mix cream cheese and strawberry jam. Spread on graham crackers or another favorite cracker.

More FHE Ideas

Look for these pictures in the magazine to find the stories and articles they go with! (Find the page numbers below.)

Idea 1: Play the “Love-Your-Neighbor Adventure” together! If you want, come up with more scenes to act out and talk about when you’re finished.

Idea 2: Read “What Are Your Spiritual Gifts?” and “Painting Love.” What spiritual gifts do you think Lucy has? What about you and your family members? Help each other write lists of the spiritual gifts you have!

Idea 3: Make a treat that needs to bake. While it’s in the oven, read “Worth the Wait.” What are some things you have to wait for? Read Psalm 27:14. Then eat your treat and remember that blessings are worth the wait!

  • Idea 1: 24; Idea 2: 34, 14; Idea 3: 22
