Love-Your-Neighbor Adventure
March 2017

“Love-Your-Neighbor Adventure,” Friend, March 2017

Love-Your-Neighbor Adventure

No matter who you meet during your day, you can practice choosing the right and being kind!

Love-Your-Neighbor Adventure
Love-Your-Neighbor Adventure, game cards

Rules: Each player chooses a small object to use as a game marker. Roll a dice to move. When you land on a question mark, choose a card from the pile. Read the question. What would you do? Then flip the card over to read what the prophet and apostles teach. With the person sitting next to you, act out what you would do or say. Then it’s the next player’s turn.

Cut out the game cards on page 28, fold them in half with the words facing out, and tape them closed. Place them on this area with the question marks facing up.

Game Cards

  • Your neighbor Abby says swear words while you are playing. How can you ask Abby to stop?

    “Let us speak to others with love and respect, ever keeping our language clean.” —President Thomas S. Monson

  • Some friends invited you to see a movie, but you’ve heard it has bad scenes in it, and you don’t feel very comfortable. What should you do?

    “As you obey [promptings], the impressions from the Spirit will come more frequently. … Your power to choose the right will increase.” —President Henry B. Eyring

  • The family down the street just came from another country, and they don’t speak your language very well. How can you help them feel at home?

    “I hope that we welcome and love all of God’s children, including those who might dress, look, speak, or just do things differently.” —President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

  • Emily wants you to play on her soccer team, but the games are on Sunday. How can you do the right thing without hurting Emily’s feelings?

    “The Savior identified Himself as Lord of the Sabbath. It is His day!” —President Russell M. Nelson

  • Your friend Jack’s family doesn’t live the way we are taught in the Proclamation on the Family. How should you treat Jack?

    “We should love all people. … Though we may disagree, we should not be disagreeable.” —Elder Dallin H. Oaks

  • Joanna looks different than the kids in the neighborhood, and they are teasing her. How can you help Joanna?

    “All people are our brothers and sisters, children of our Heavenly Father.” —Elder M. Russell Ballard

  • Connor says he doesn’t believe in God. How can you share your testimony through your actions?

    “Live your life to be a good example of what you believe—in word and deed.” —Elder Robert D. Hales

  • TJ makes fun of your clothes because they are modest. Should you change your clothes to fit in?

    “Modesty in appearance is always in fashion. Our standards are not socially negotiable.” —Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

  • Your friend Ella is always looking at her phone, even when others try to talk with her. How can you help Ella have fun without her phone?

    “Does the time you spend using various technologies and media enlarge or restrict your capacity to live, to love, and to serve?” —Elder David A. Bednar

  • Nathan asks you to try a cigarette. What could you say if he keeps asking you?

    “Living the Word of Wisdom today will free you from some of the most serious dangers you can face in this life.” —Elder Quentin L. Cook

  • Layla usually sits by herself on the playground. What would Jesus Christ want you to do?

    “You must look outward and care about others. … You can be friendly; you can share; you can help others in a hundred small ways.” —Elder D. Todd Christofferson

  • Other kids make fun of Chantal because her dad is in prison. How can you set a good example?

    “In the gospel of Jesus Christ, there is no place for ridicule [or] bullying.” —Elder Neil L. Andersen

  • Your best friend Tim’s mom and dad just got divorced. What can you do to help Tim feel loved?

    “Reach out to those among us who are suffering and in need of being lifted.” —Elder Ronald A. Rasband

  • Jayden shows you a bad photo on his phone. What is your plan for avoiding bad pictures and movies?

    “Technology with its substantial benefits also brings challenges. … Be courageous! Be strong!” —Elder Gary E. Stevenson

  • You gossiped about a friend, and now you feel bad. What can you do to repent?

    “My invitation to all of us is to evaluate our lives, repent, and keep on trying.” —Elder Dale G. Renlund
