For Older Kids
May 2017

“For Older Kids,” Friend, May 2017

For Older Kids

For Older Kids

Doodles by Bountiful 30th ward, Valiant 11 class

Dear Journal

What was the best birthday you ever had? Who was there? What did you do? If you have a photo of that day, add it to your journal. Or draw it!

Think about It

“Love is making space in your life for someone else.”

—Sister Neill F. Marriott


What can you catch but not throw?

Answer below.

Family Hunt

Try indexing! This means typing what old records say so people can search for their ancestors online. Have a parent help you download the program, or visit a family history center to do it.

It gives me a good feeling to work on family history. I’m learning the names of lots of my ancestors and learning to upload their photos too. Someday when I meet them in heaven, I’ll already know them.

Aidan A., age 10, Utah, USA

My Haiku

When I go to church

I can feel the Spirit strong

And I feel His love

Hannah S., age 8, Pennsylvania, USA

Quick Quiz

Which of these Book of Mormon prophets had the vision of the tree of life? Check answer below.

  • Mosiah

  • Alma

  • Lehi

  • Moroni

  • Answers: a cold, Lehi
