Help from the Holy Ghost
May 2017

“Help from the Holy Ghost,” Friend, May 2017

Help from the Holy Ghost

Answers from an Apostle, page 2

Elder Quentin L. Cook was nervous when he was called to be a General Authority. He didn’t know if he would be able to do everything he needed to.

Then Elder Neal A. Maxwell, one of the Apostles at the time, told Elder Cook something that helped him feel better. Elder Maxwell reminded him that the most important thing was knowing how to bear his testimony of the Savior. This would help Elder Cook be ready to lead and serve in the Church.

When Elder Cook heard this, he felt peaceful inside. He thought about how much he loved the Savior and the many times he had been able to share his testimony. He was excited to keep sharing his testimony of the Savior with the world. He wasn’t afraid anymore. The Holy Ghost had helped him feel comfort instead of fear.

Years later the Holy Ghost comforted Elder Cook when he was called to be an Apostle. The Holy Ghost reminded him that he should have faith and not fear. Then Elder Cook felt peace and comfort and strength to be an Apostle and serve Heavenly Father.
