Hope for My Family
June 2017

“Hope for My Family,” Friend, June 2017

From the First Presidency

Hope for My Family

Adapted from “The Hope of Eternal Family Love,” Ensign, Aug. 2016, 4–5.

Hope for My Family

All of us hope for the joy of living in loving families forever. Some of us have seen family love in the lives of others, but are still waiting to feel it ourselves. Others of us might be missing loving family members who have died.

Heavenly Father gave the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, to make it possible for families to continue forever. Because of the Savior, we will all be resurrected. We can become worthy of the celestial kingdom, where families live together in love forever.

Once I was worried that my family might not be together forever because of the choices of other people. The prophet told me, “You are worrying about the wrong problem. You just live worthy of the celestial kingdom, and the family arrangements will be more wonderful than you can imagine.” That counsel gives me peace.

To anyone else who is worried, I offer my witness: Heavenly Father knows and loves you. You are His spirit child. You were with Him and Jesus Christ before this life. The Holy Spirit and the Atonement of Jesus Christ will help you feel family love now and in the world to come.

I Love My Family

Color “family love” by following the instructions below! If more than one person is coloring, take turns answering the questions. You can skip, repeat, or go out of order if you need to.

  • Think of a time a family member was kind to you, and color a section purple.

  • Think of a way you can help your family, and color a section red.

  • Think of one way you know your Heavenly Parents love you, and color a section blue.

  • Think of a nice thing someone in your ward or branch family did, and color a section green.

  • Think of something funny a family member did, and color a section orange.

  • Think of a way you can help your ward or branch family, and color a section brown.

Amor Familiar

People all over the world love their families! Match the words in different languages with the families they describe. Hint: It helps to try saying them out loud! Check your best guesses below.

  1. broer en drie zussen __________

  2. father and daughter __________

  3. abuela y dos niños __________

  4. mama na mtoto __________

  5. nanay at tatay __________

  • 1, C; 2, D; 3, A; 4, E; 5, B
