Show and Tell
June 2017

“Show and Tell,” Friend, June 2017

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Filling the World with Love!

This year we’re filling our map of the world with your loving hearts. Find out how to send us your heart on page 15!

Activity day girls in the Rigby 2nd Ward, Idaho, USA, talked about what modesty and dressing appropriately for all occasions mean. They also learned how to make patterns for skirts, and each girl was able to sew her own skirt!

God Has Given Us

God has given us blue, blue skies and a sun that shines down.

God has given us beautiful trees with bark that’s a beautiful brown.

God has given us a wonderful world that we enjoy day by day.

All He asks is to follow His path to live with Him someday.

Tenna R., age 12, Iowa, USA

I sang songs to old people at a nursing home.

Sebastian L., age 6, Arizona, USA

My brother was in trouble, so I tried to help him be happy.

Hannah E., age 10, Vermont, USA

I said I loved you to my mom and dad.

Dieme M., age 11, Utah, USA

I was excited, happy, and kind of scared when my mom found out she was going to have twins. After they were born, I didn’t always feel like helping my mom and was annoyed with the extra work. So I try to calm myself down by thinking of a happy thought or playing with my sisters to help the bad feelings wash away.

Jania H., age 8, Maryland, USA

We were staying at my grandma’s, and a big storm came and blew sticks and tree limbs all over her big yard. I made a plan and secretly started to clean it up. Soon the rest of my family started helping me. My mom said I was a good example for everyone else, and it was fun to work together!

Brandt S., age 7, Alabama, USA

We decided to do a neighborhood food drive for our local food bank. One Saturday we passed out flyers. Later we collected the donations in our neighborhood, which came out to be 360 pounds (163 kg)!

Abigail and Isabel J., ages 11 and 9, Georgia, USA

My big brother and I are the only members of the Church in our school. We try to be kind to everyone, just like Jesus would.

Isaac A., age 7, Pennsylvania, USA
