Show and Tell
August 2017

“Show and Tell,” Friend, August 2017

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Filling the World with Love

This year we’re filling our map of the world with your loving hearts. Find out how to send us your heart on page 15!

To make the Sabbath day special, we make scripture scenes from our toys. We made Moses standing on Mount Sinai while the Israelites worshipped a golden calf.

Nathan, Ryan, and Paul W., ages 11, 9, and 6, Arizona, USA

At school we did state reports. My friend reported on Utah and said that it was first settled by Mormons. I said I was a Mormon and shared my beliefs with my friends at school, which made me happy!

Eliza D., age 10, Pennsylvania, USA

A bully was picking on a boy I didn’t know. I told the bully that he should be nice. The bully made fun of me. Then the boy I had stood up for helped me. He said that we should all be friends. I felt good that we could help each other.

James W., age 6, Arizona, USA

I was the fastest runner in my class when we were timed for the mile run. I noticed one girl who was having a hard time running, so as soon as I finished, I cheered her on. It made me feel good inside to encourage her.

Josh C., age 8, California, USA

I try to pray to Heavenly Father for anyone who is sad that they will be happy.

Ryan D., age 7, Somerset, England

My friend was sad, so I shared my love with her. I gave her my friendship bracelet.

Abigail L., age 6, California, USA

Demuestro amor cuando ayudo aios demas. (I show love when I help others.)

Alberto P., age 9, Arizona, USA

I wrote my mom a poem and made flowers.

Savannah R., age 6, Utah, USA
