For Older Kids
September 2017

“For Older Kids,” Friend, September 2017

For Older Kids

For Older Kids

Illustrations by Brad Teare

Dear Journal

What do you love about nature? Spend time outside and write about Heavenly Father’s creations. Draw a picture or take a photo of what you see. You can even tape a dried flower or leaf into your journal!

Think about It

“If you cannot muster faith right now, begin with hope.”

—President Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Why couldn’t the pony sing his favorite song? See answer below.

Family Hunt

Ask your parents for old family obituaries. These are usually newspaper clippings that announce a person’s death and tell about their life. What do you want people to remember about you? Make a list of 10 things. Then upload the obituaries to FamilySearch.org.

One night as I was watching TV, a show came on that I had never seen before. I got a dark feeling inside. Then a very still, small voice told me to turn off the TV. After that I went to play a Primary song on the piano. I am so grateful that Jesus always answers our prayers and helps us to feel comforted.

McKay H., age 9, Utah, USA

My Haiku

When I say my prayers,

I feel the Spirit by me.

I know God loves me.

Brooke H., age 10, Minnesota, USA

Quick Quiz

Which of these was not one of the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon? See answer below.

  • Oliver Cowdery

  • Hyrum Smith

  • David Whitmer

  • Martin Harris

  • Answers: He was a little hoarse; Hyrum Smith
