Show and Tell
October 2017

“Show and Tell,” Friend, October 2017

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Filling the World with Love

You’ve sent so many hearts that we’re out of room on our map! But don’t worry, we found something else to fill. Send us your heart—see page 15 to find out how.

Primary children in the Cobblestone 2nd Ward Primary, Utah, USA, earned blocks by bringing their scriptures to church and by reading about Jesus and choosing the right. They built 12 different Book of Mormon scenes and had fun growing their testimonies of the scriptures!

Primary children in the Jackson Mississippi Stake, Mississippi, USA, built cardboard box temples for their stake family history day. As they built their own temples, they talked about what it would be like to build a real temple.

I had a hard time learning how to ride my bike without training wheels. I became scared to ride my bike because I had crashed a few times. I said a prayer on my bike and was able to learn how to ride it without being afraid. I’m grateful Heavenly Father blessed me.

Reese H., age 6, Utah, USA

I like to help my sister find clothes to wear to church on Sundays.

Ephraim B., age 7, Rivers State, Nigeria

I decided to collect and donate pet food for our local pet pantry program. I named it #operationfeedthepets. It made me feel good to help families that need help feeding their pets.

Julio A., age 7, Florida, USA






Eternal Father

Kylie E., age 11, Arizona, USA

  • I help if someone drops something.

  • Gave my friend a hug.

  • Did the dishes.

  • Hugged my cousin and aunt after he died.

Malia B., age 9, Florida, USA

I showed my love for my family when I made my younger siblings laugh when they were sad and angry!

Natalie W., age 11, New Jersey, USA

I made a toy for my brother.

Ethan R., age 5, Wales
