Snacks & Crafts
October 2017

“Snacks & Crafts,” Friend, October 2017

Snacks & Crafts

Be sure to get an adult’s help!

Snacks and Crafts

Illustrations by Mark Robison

Temple Crafts

The Meridian Idaho and Cedar City Utah Temples will be dedicated later this year. Is one of these temples near you? At temple dedications, everyone waves a white handkerchief. Make either an embroidery or puff-paint version of this special handkerchief to take with you to a dedication!

Use a ruler and pencil to lightly trace the outline of a temple onto a handkerchief. Draw your own or use the pattern on this page. Place the handkerchief in an embroidery hoop.

For embroidery: Cut an armlength of white embroidery floss and tie a knot on one end. Thread the other end through a needle. Follow this picture to sew backstitch. Or use up and down stitches to sew on top of the pencil line. Tie a knot when you’re done.

For puff paint: Use white puff paint to trace over the pencil line. Let dry for 4–6 hours.

Sugar Cube Temple

Start your temple by gluing the first layer of cubes to cardboard. You could cut out a small hand-drawn Moroni statue, glue it to a toothpick, then glue it to the spire.

  • sugar cubes

  • school glue

  • cardboard
